May 12, 2008


So my husband's single friend came over for dinner tonight, and he asked how I was doing, both with the deployment and with the baby situation. And during the course of chatting, I mentioned the miscarriage, and I also asked him if I could put him down on my list of people to call should I have to endure a casualty notification.

He started to panic and said that we'd better change the subject. I couldn't figure out why, until he said, "I'm afraid you're going to start crying and I don't really know how to handle that."

I laughed and said I hope he doesn't think I'm that fragile. I told him that I haven't cried even once since my husband left and that I'm really feeling quite good and normal.

I'm not sure he believed me.

Really, I'm fine. I'm like creepy fine. I keep waiting for the shoe to drop, but I don't feel sad at all. I'm sure at some point I will get a little weepy, especially if hormones start kicking in, but I don't feel bad at all right now.

But apparently it took me two weeks to cry last time, so I guess I have another seven days.

But also like last time, I just don't suffer.

Posted by Sarah at May 12, 2008 09:28 PM | TrackBack

I would have laughed too. Why is it that these big strong soldier men can handle bombs and terrorists, but give them a crying woman and they are lost as to what to do. (Well I know why.)

Posted by: Butterfly Wife at May 13, 2008 09:24 AM

I just read your "two weeks to cry" post and was in awe of the date...I can't believe Feb 27, 2004 was over 4 years ago. I remember pulling into the dark parking lot of the unit around 5am to drop him off in early Feb 2004 like it was yesterday. In other ways, Vilseck seems like eons ago.

Posted by: Nicole at May 13, 2008 06:27 PM