Today our Charles Pup turns four.
He's being spoiled rotten today, with walks and wet dog food, and he'll even get a birthday cake.
It's hard to believe the little sweet potato we picked out...
is now our favorite creature in the whole wide world...
Happy Birthday, Charlie!
Posted by Sarah at April 18, 2009 03:19 PM | TrackBackOh My Gosh. I might have to take that back about this year's picture being the cutest one yet. I hadn't seen the pup one. There is no way he was eight or twelve weeks there was he?! So cute!
Posted by: wifeunit at April 18, 2009 04:43 PMWU -- That's Charlie at 12 days old :) We got first look at the litter and then chose ol' Charles.
Posted by: Sarah at April 18, 2009 08:37 PMI think that is so cute that you guys went and chose him, and then would go visit him on the weekends until he was old enough to take home, I believe that the first day we met in person you had gone to visit him earlier that day (June)...happy birthday Charlie!
Posted by: CaliValleyGirl at April 18, 2009 09:12 PMAh! Happy Birthday Charlie!
Posted by: Darla at April 19, 2009 12:58 PMWe did that with Annie (visiting the litter after deciding) although we did not have the pick of the litter as Hubs took some convincing that we needed a puppy in the first place.
I can't believe how tiny he was (and so unfuzzy!) and how he is kind of reddish. Soooo cute!
Happy Birthday, Birthday Boy!!
Posted by: Guard Wife at April 19, 2009 01:46 PMPlease give Charlie a chin scratch and a tummy rub from me! Those pics are adorable! Happy Birthday Charlie!
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