March 25, 2009


I know there are people out there who think that the media is in Republican pockets because it's all owned by big corporations. Really, I have always found that position untenable. I truly can't understand how anyone who listens to the news for ten minutes would possibly think it is right-wing. But those people exist, a constant reminder to me that people can hear the exact same thing and come to completely different conclusions.

But can anyone really defend the media for how they give Democrats a pass on everything? Is it possible to ignore they way Bush was treated vs Obama? I don't think it is.

A link via NRO: Forgetting about Alzheimer’s:

When President Bush and Vice President Cheney claimed that reversing their tax cuts would hurt many small businesses, the fact-checkers of the press zinged them for exaggerating the impact. Most small businesses, they pointed out, would not be affected. Good for the media: Journalists ought to inform the public when their leaders are making false or misleading statements.

But they ought to do so whether the politicians in question are Republicans or Democrats, and whether the claims help liberal or conservative causes. Last night, President Obama said that his liberalized policy on funding for embryonic stem-cell research would aid the search for cures for Alzheimer’s disease. Shouldn’t news outlets have reported that even scientists on Obama’s side of the issue say that’s a pipe dream?

Posted by Sarah at March 25, 2009 03:59 PM | TrackBack

The media are right-wing. Open your OjOs. Counterrevolutionary networks refuse to televise the truth. They'll never admit that 99.99% of Omerica voted for Obama.

Last night, President Obama said that his liberalized policy on funding for embryonic stem-cell research would aid the search for cures for Alzheimer’s disease. Shouldn’t news outlets have reported that even scientists on Obama’s side of the issue say that’s a pipe dream?

No, because those scientists are wrong. Obamandias, king of kings, is always right. How could a punahOu/cOlumbia/Haaaavaaaad grad, the smartest humyn who ever lived, be capable of error? If he says Omerica has 57 states, it does. If he says Canada has a president, it does. If he says Chirac is still the president of France, he is. If he pronounces Orion as "OAR-ee-on," all dictionaries must change. Reality must bend to the will of the One, or at least whatever's written on his teleprompter.

Who writes his wOrds? Most certainly not John Galt.

Posted by: kevin at March 25, 2009 04:54 PM

I about fell off my chair when the guy from the Politico asked him about reinstating federal funding for embryonic stem cell lines, even though "The Science" shows great promise in THE OTHER DIRECTION (adult stem cells) - and none in the embryonic direction. I never would've seen *that* question coming during a Presidential press conference, even from the Politico!

I think we are starting to see a little bit of honest questioning... *fingers crossed*

Posted by: kannie at March 25, 2009 07:27 PM

I've been watching some of the late night shows on DVR (Jummy Fallon, Letterman) and they are *still* making jokes about President Bush. Way to be creative. Not to mention Vanity Fair is really thin these days without their quota of anti-administration articles.

The media is skewed allright, just not to the right.

Posted by: Mare at March 26, 2009 08:08 AM