February 27, 2009


OK, so I love my husband a little less right now.

I need something on his laptop. It is turned off. It is password protected.

I figured I could guess it. My husband is the only person in the world who could know my password based on the prompt question, but he would know it instantly.

My husband's prompt question is absurd. I have no idea what the answer is.

I can't get into his computer until he gets home.

Posted by Sarah at February 27, 2009 09:24 AM | TrackBack

I always find it infinitely more frustrating when they are away & unavailable for phone calls...b/c it's a lot less annoying when I can call & say, "GRRRRR..." immediately. :)

Posted by: Guard Wife at February 27, 2009 09:41 AM


Go to distrowatch.com.
Download puppy linux.
Burn the iso file to a cd.
Place the cd into the laptop & close cd drive.
Reboot from the cd.
Select appropriate mouse/touchpad at question.
Select 800x600 at screen resolution.
When the screen comes up use the Mount icon to
access the hard drive of the laptop & a thumbdrive.
A filemanager automatically starts when the drive is mounted.
Copy whatever you needed to a thumbdrive.
Umount both the thumbdrive & hard drive.
Remove thumbdrive & cd
Shutdown the laptop.
Copy from thumbdrive to your laptop.


Sine Nomine

Posted by: Sine Nomine at February 27, 2009 10:16 AM

The title of this post also describes the struggle to post comments here!

I must see this message at least a dozen times per day - if not per comment!

Due to high levels of comment spam, commenting at mu.nu has been suspended for a brief period. You will be able to comment again as soon as the flood of spam abates somewhat. Please try again in a minute or two.

We apologise for this, and believe us, we hate spammers even more than you do.

Yeah, yeah, I know ...

Posted by: Amritas at February 27, 2009 12:54 PM