February 10, 2009


The fun thing about knitting for bloggers is that you have these inside jokes based on their blogs that you can incorporate into the project.

Thus Sis B's Crush got this little sweater, based on her armadillo post.


And Green's baby got this blanket because...well, her blog name is Green.


But I do have a knitting complaint to air. It is problematic for us knitters when you pregnant people don't find out the sex of your babies! I have a friend who is pregnant right now, and they don't plan to find out if it's a boy or a girl. I was working on something for them the other day when my husband said, "Um, I hope they have a girl." I thought I had picked colors that would go both ways, but my husband assured me that I had not. I had to start all over.

A couple years ago, I took my chances and made a blue sweater for a friend. In the end, she had a girl. Whoops.

We knitters need some direction. It's hard knitting for a question-mark baby.

Posted by Sarah at February 10, 2009 11:26 AM | TrackBack

I SO love his sweater! It is absolutely adorable. He got lots of compliments the other day when he was finally big enough to wear it AND the weather was cool. The buttons crack me up, and the brown is definitely his color. I'll take a picture next time. :)

Thank you again!

Oh, and I would dig a blue sweater even for a girl, unless it had something like a truck or other typical boy thing on it.

Posted by: Sis B at February 10, 2009 12:48 PM

Oh we will definitely be finding out the gender, as soon as we can (minimum another 7 weeks or so, I think). I want to know what my options are for buying baby stuff, and whether I can accept the box of baby girl stuff that my mom saved from when I was a baby. Heck, I wish I could find out now!

Posted by: Leofwende at February 10, 2009 01:11 PM

I always tried to find out (one of them didn't cooperate) just because I have enough surprises in my life. That said, by the time #4 was good and cooking we just assumed it would be another girl. So when the tech told us there was extra equipment there you could have knocked us over with a feather.

And the first thing I said was, "Well crap. Now we've got to buy new clothes."

Which didn't fit, btw, because he was 11 pounds when he was born and newborn was a bit small.

Anyway, I get around the gender problem by making people stuff out of non-baby colors. Like orange. Or forest green. I think navy blue goes both ways, too, especially with white.

One of my goth-ish friends had a baby, and I made it a deep red blanket. She loved it, but I hope I didn't make that kid the beginning of a complex.

Posted by: airforcewife at February 10, 2009 01:18 PM

Oooh, I don't have any goth friends, but now I wish I did!

I came up with a solution, and I'll post pics later.

Posted by: Sarah at February 10, 2009 01:22 PM

Oh my GOSH, how thoughtful!!! Those little armadillo buttons are beyond cute. And I agree - PLEASE find out what you're having, for your friends' sakes!!!

FWIW, Sarah, my hubby is on the skeptical side of "neutral" colors, too - even light blues don't always pass muster, LOL! I think the medium makes a difference, too - we have this cute seersucker red & white outfit we never used b/c it "looked girly."

Posted by: kannie at February 10, 2009 02:41 PM

Cute armadillo buttons. I haven't even looked at buttons for years, now I've got to see what's out there. I did get a new sewing machine for Christmas from one son. He thinks I might be quilting with it. I hope he isn't holding his breath. I could make some cute pillows and put cute buttons on them.
Our new Yorkie chased an armadillo to its hole a couple of nights ago. I don't know what she would have done had she caught it, it's way bigger than she is. She also has her eyes on the whooping cranes. She hears them whooping and then barks and jumps when they fly over. (I AM bragging here, on the dog and the cranes!)

Posted by: Ruth H at February 10, 2009 09:39 PM

But Sarah, I LOVE the blue sweater! Its one of my most treasured baby gifts! And I got to use it for both my girl AND my boy! I just paired it with a skirt whenever I put it on the girl!

Posted by: Jen D at February 10, 2009 10:29 PM

Off-topic, and I hate to put something like this on such a cheerful thread...but Sarah, you posted in January about the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act and its impact on homecrafters. It also now appears that this legislation is having a very bad impact on the world of children's books. More here.

Posted by: david foster at February 10, 2009 10:56 PM

On one hand I get what your saying. One of my friends had a baby Christmas day, 3 weeks early, but we knew it was a girl. So I frantically finished a baby quilt, am just finishing up a sweater and a hat and I still want to make those tulip toes booties just because.

On the other hand it is one of the few surprises left in life you know? But the thing is there really are no neutrals anymore. Green and yellow can still go either was and deepening on what sex the baby is you can add appropriate buttons

But the best projects out there are really gender specific.

Posted by: Mare at February 11, 2009 08:21 AM

I soooo agree! My best friend from college is having a *surprise* any day now. So I tried to get an ecru or cream or even a white yarn. TOO bad the first 3 I picked were discontinued. So I'm just going to wait. Neither of my kids became attached to a blankie until closer to 18 months, so I figure an additional six weeks won't kill anyone. : )

Posted by: Lane at February 11, 2009 11:19 AM