Hud writes about the death of the movie theater. My husband and I went to the movies twice while we were home, but it's eight bucks a pop these days! For the price of the two of us, we can buy the movie instead and watch it as many times as we want. I much prefer going here on post, where the price is cheap and the National Anthem is rockin'.
Also, I'm a nerd, and I prefer to watch movies at home because I can knit.
Posted by Sarah at May 29, 2005 10:42 AMNo! You are not a nerd! It makes no sense to me
either to go see a movie for 6/8/10 bucks per
when if you just wait a few months..! Here's my
other problem with "going to the movies": The
other people in the theater are so RUDE. I went
to see American Grafitti with friend on Friday.
There was a woman in front of me playing a game on her cell phone,the screen was bright white and like a flashlight in my eyes. Then a man behind us has a game going on HIS cell phone, complete with and array of sounds. He did turn
it off at some point,but apparently ONLY to do a
running commentary on the movie and it's plot for
the benefit of his two small daughters. If they
are too young to get the gist of the movie,they
shouldn't be there! Grrrrrrr.
They still play the national anthem at base theaters? I forgot about that. I used to go to the base theater a lot myself.
Posted by: James Hudnall at May 31, 2005 02:25 AM