May 28, 2005


An interesting comparison in Orson Scott Card's latest:

Why, just a few weeks ago a CBS television show (Cold Case Files) ran an episode that made an outrageous attack on my church, in which items as sacred to us as the Quran is to Muslims were openly displayed and mocked on national television.

But you didn't see Mormons rioting over it. Oh, we were angry enough-- it was infuriating to be treated with such contempt, as CBS, without a second thought, turned its airwaves over to some Mormon-hating writer who reveled in having the power to get at us with impunity.

But you see, we Mormons are very much aware of being in the minority. The memory of "Christian" mobs and state militias murdering helpless Mormon men, women and children, and then betraying and assassinating our leaders while they were in government custody, is still keen within our culture. It didn't happen far away, it happened in Missouri and Illinois. And it has continued in the years since then, in isolated incidents of murder and expulsion throughout the world, not least in America.

We remember our forebears leaving their homes again and again to get away from an oppressive majority. We remember our haven being invaded by the United States Army; we remember being prepared to burn our homes and crops and flee again, leaving our homeland a desert rather than submit to oppression again.

But in the years afterward, we learned something else, too: How to get along. How to avoid making waves. How to blend in. How to make a moral stand when it matters, without alienating those who might stand with us and without (usually) provoking those who stand against us.

That's what you learn when you're in a perpetual minority.

When would Muslims in the Middle East have learned lessons like that?

Posted by Sarah at May 28, 2005 01:09 PM

I once dated a young lady who found my outrage, anger, and pain at watching someone burn the American flag, odd and berated me for it. Knowing her as well as I do/did, I'm sure she is upset at the insensitivity and intolerance shown by Americans regarding any desecration of the Koran.

My thoughts today are let us not stoop to their level, rather let us elevate them to ours. By that I mean we should hold Muslims around the world to the same standards we try to hold ourselves to. We should condemn as ignorant and insensitive their own sensitivity to paper pulp and ink, in the same way many liberals condemn many other Americans for their much less extremist and hateful reaction to watching America-haters burn the cloth and dye that represent our nation.

Two more things. Card is a mormon? (ed. They prefer Latter Day Saints) And always be careful when dating a first year psych major.


Posted by: Kalroy at May 29, 2005 06:17 AM

The Mormon Church and The Latter Day Saints are basically the same, however, LDS is more like a branch of the Mormon Church, such as Baptist and Southern Baptist, etc. I have a good friend who is a Mormon, but she and her family do not consider themselves to be LDS. Her husband was the state president here in central Illinois until they moved. I really admired them because they truly practiced their faith and were a real asset to our community.


Posted by: Nancy at May 29, 2005 07:54 AM


LDS is NOT a branch of Mormonism. There are no "branches", in the sense of related or subsidiary groups - only one, unified church.

Mormon is a nickname for Latter-day Saints.

Posted by: Felix at May 30, 2005 02:06 PM