December 10, 2004


I know, I know. I have the weight of the world on my shoulders, so I should just shrug, right? That's what the book says. Shrug it off and think about yourself. But I'm still Dagny, still thinking that the world needs me. I'm trying, but I'm not ready for Galt's Gulch yet. I got stuck working an extra hour at the gift wrap today because my replacement never showed up. I can't just walk away if there's no one to pick up the slack. At least not yet. I'm starting to feel like maybe I could, especially after this hellacious week.

Now I have to go wrap my own family's presents. I already let go of the fact that they're not going to make it home in time.

Posted by Sarah at December 10, 2004 03:23 PM

You'll know when it's time. Have you finished the novel yet? I don't want to throw any spoilers at you.

Dagny took her time, went back to the world she had been living in, even after seeing how life could be in the Gulch. You'll know when it's time, Sarah. I promise, you will know. And then, you shrug. You begin to live your life for yourself, and no one else.

Posted by: Suzy at December 10, 2004 03:40 PM

Some people don't learn until they are in their late 50's! Don't let that happen to you! Although I enjoyed all of my volunteer work and felt like I was giving back to society, my biggest problem was that I couldn't say "no" to anyone. Everyone always KNEW I would do it! Today I pick and choose and say "no" to the rest. It alleviates a lot of stress in one's life. Also, the Christmas season is such a busy time of year. I always enjoyed Dec. 26th! And, by the way, I don't care what day we receive our presents; just knowing you are safe and happy is the best Christmas present I could get!


Your mama

Posted by: Nancy at December 10, 2004 11:06 PM

What a coincidence. I just finished this book Saturday. This is my second time through,and I thought it was a much better read this time than I did the first time. Gained more understanding this time. The first time, I was struck with the way she pounded their evilness into your head over and over. I am always so psyched to hear of anyone else reading this book.

Posted by: Walrilla at December 13, 2004 08:27 PM