February 05, 2009


I was joking with Amritas and David the other day that I have found the secret to workplace productivity: Hire people who don't need the money and then tell them that they can go home when they finish all their work.

My managers wanted me to stay on at the store so badly that they offered me whatever I want...except money. I said I would stay on if I could work one day a week and only do things that are fun. Amazingly, they agreed.

There were some parts of my job that I really liked, like organizing the yarn section. I love doing that; I would do it for free. I like to see how quickly I can do it. On Monday, I shelved all the new yarn in 24 minutes. I was sweating and puffing by the end.

And, absurdly enough, I have grown fond of making those foam houses. Now that I have several of them under my belt, I automatically know what will and won't work, and I just glue-gun the hell out of it and go to town. (I made an Easter castle today, and I was just thrilled that it didn't have any butterflies on it. They are the worst.)

So I am staying on to work one day a week, sorting yarn and doing crafts. And I go home when I'm done with my tasks. I'm cool with that.

Posted by Sarah at February 5, 2009 01:43 PM | TrackBack

LOL!!! What a negotiator! :-) And I can totally relate to the yarn-stocking fun - I stocked hospital carts for surgery rooms one summer, and it was WONDERFUL! :-) Congrats on getting your job, your way! :-)

Posted by: kannie at February 5, 2009 02:13 PM


"Unquit" ... now that's a word you don't hear every day. And your story's pretty unusual too.

It is refreshing to see someone with a positive attitude toward work without being a patsy. I doubt everyone gets your kind of deal. You've earned your managers' respect, and it's no wonder they wanted you to stay.

The Two-Gun Girl is back in town! Glue gun in one hand, real gun in the other. Not that she ever left ...

Posted by: Amritas at February 5, 2009 02:21 PM

Yay! I'm so happy for you. :) Very cool.

Posted by: FbL at February 5, 2009 04:07 PM

Why when I read that the jingle "Price-line Neeee-go-ti-a-tor!" came into my head. It should now be "Mich-ael's Neee-go-ti-a-tor!"

Way to go on that. Now if only I could adapt those skills to my job. It's a slow week and instead of surfing the net I could use my free time to catch up on my recorded Lost episodes :)

Posted by: BigD78 at February 5, 2009 04:21 PM

I quit a part time job at a bookstore years ago. The owners liked me so well they tried to entice me back with a part interest in the store. I declined, owning a bookstore would be a full time, 24hour headache, and it was just before the big box bookstores moved in.
Good managers noticed your talent. Good on you!

Posted by: Ruth H at February 5, 2009 07:20 PM

I love stroking yarn. I would be a happy girl ... sadly I seem to thrive in environments that require high attention and multitasking ... otherwise so.bored.

Posted by: Darla at February 5, 2009 08:43 PM

I so wish I didn't HAVE to have a full-time job. Sucks being a single person with no help on paying the bills... There are SO many things I'd much rather be doing that what I do to earn a paycheck right now...

Posted by: Miss Ladybug at February 5, 2009 09:59 PM

I came here specifically this moment to see if you had posted the reasoning. I had guessed 'free yarn' which isn't true, but I KNEW it had to have something to do with the yarn. LOL

Good for you.

I will remember this negotiation tactic if I'm offered a job in the next couple weeks..."I see your job offer and will accept on two conditions: I only have to show my face around here once a week and when I do, I only do FUN stuff." LOL

Posted by: Guard Wife at February 6, 2009 01:40 PM