February 04, 2009


The funniest Dining In story ever. (Lots of naughty language)


When I took that one year of ROTC, I couldn't attend the Dining In because I was performing in a play that weekend. Apparently I missed out on a roaring good time, because afterwards it was decreed that there would be no more alcohol served at Dining Ins in the future. The husband says it was pretty crazy.

In Dining Out news, when the husband and I were first married, they made all the wives come up and drink from the grog bowl. I thought it would be oh-so-funny to go last, and instead of taking a little sip and making a horrible face like the other wives, I wanted to grab the cup, chug the whole thing, and walk away without blinking. And I did, and it was funny...until I spent the rest of the night puking in the 3 Putt Willie's parking lot.

Posted by Sarah at February 4, 2009 09:08 AM | TrackBack

A Generals wife taught me many moons ago to "pretend to drink the stuff"....it is nasty beyond belief she said....

So I pretend to take a sip, and hope everyone is too loaded to notice.

Posted by: AWTM at February 4, 2009 05:38 PM

Our grog was compiled by one of the LTs in the company who spent his college years as a bartender. That stuff was DAMN good. We're having a Dining Out in a few weeks and I'm looking forward to his grog again.

So good that there might still be puking in the parking lot...

Posted by: HomefrontSix at February 5, 2009 02:27 PM

Sounds like a roaring good time!

Posted by: Darla at February 5, 2009 08:48 PM