October 15, 2008


John Murtha, classy as ever.

Mr. Murtha said it has taken time for the state's voters embrace a black presidential candidate.

"There's no question Western Pennsylvania is a racist area," said Mr. Murtha, whose district stretches from Johnstown to Washington County. "The older population is more hesitant."

Hogwash. My grandparents live right over the border in small-town Western New York. My 83-year-old grandmother is most likely voting for Obama.

Quit pointing out imaginary racism, Democrats.

Posted by Sarah at October 15, 2008 04:17 PM | TrackBack

Politics aside - I'm not saying his comments are complete hogwash but I think there is an element of truth to what he said. I have relatives in Western PA and there is a bit of rascist sentiment among the older generations. After spending time talking to people on visits up there, I'm almost floored at the comments that come out of people's mouths in this day and age. I'm not saying that this is widespread - only that I've heard rascist comments from many a person up in that region.

Posted by: Slightly Salty at October 15, 2008 04:44 PM

I don't know if Murtha is right or not, but there seems to be an assumption that whiter areas are more racist. Although that could be true, I've also seen the opposite. Racism is everywhere.

On a more positive note, I read this article yesterday:


Blacks account for less than 1 percent of the population in this small suburban district near the Massachusetts border. But none of that seemed to matter to the people here [when a black candidate was campaigning for re-election] ...

Political analysts say such electoral gains are quietly changing the political landscape, increasing the number of black lawmakers adept at crossing color lines as well as the ranks of white voters who are familiar, and increasingly comfortable, with black political leadership ...

In 2007, about 30 percent of the nation's 622 black state legislators represented predominantly white districts, up from about 16 percent in 2001 ...

Sadly, there is some ugly racism (is there any other kind?) on page 2.

Posted by: Amritas at October 15, 2008 05:58 PM

Ah yes, it must be racism that’s the reason the people of Pennsylvania won’t be voting for Obama. Yea, yea that’s it. It couldn’t be because of his condescending remarks about them clinging to their guns and religion or any of his liberal/socialist views or his questionable associations or…Nope, racism …that’s it.

Just like the Marines in Haditha were cold blooded killers right Jack?

By the way Murtha, what percentage of blacks are voting for McCain? No, let’s not go there, ‘cause we all know blacks aren’t racist. Yup, glad I never encountered any of that growing up in the city…going to a predominately black high school…

JackASS Murtha, hope your gone soon which isn't soon enough.

Posted by: tim at October 16, 2008 09:32 AM