September 23, 2008


I've mentioned before that I voted for Al Gore in 2000. I knew deep in my bones that I was a Republican, but I just couldn't bring myself to vote for George Bush because I thought he was far less experienced than Al Gore and that mattered to me. Excelsior!

So I got to thinking today...I hope there are Democrat voters out there who think like I did in 2000, because now the tables are turned. I hope there are Democrats who know they are Democrats but can't bring themselves to vote for Barrack Obama because he's far less experienced than John McCain.

Of course, the twist ending to all of this is that I was wrong about George Bush and I think he ended up doing a far better job than Al Gore would've done. I'm not sure I could ever get my brain to believe that Obama could do a better job than McCain, but if Obama is elected, I sure hope he rises to the challenge.

Posted by Sarah at September 23, 2008 12:12 PM | TrackBack

I am like you I guess. I can't imagine voting for Obama. And I never imagined I would ever vote red. EVER. But I really don't get him. Don't like him. Don't trust him.

Posted by: wifeunit at September 23, 2008 02:18 PM