For the record, I think McCain looks just fine in this cover photo.
I think he looks way less ridiculous than this cover.
It's a halo shot!
I like that picture of McCain. It makes him look ready to kick someone's ass.
Posted by: airforcewife at September 15, 2008 09:27 PMIt looks like a MAD magazine cover...Obama as Alfred E Newman...well, the back of his head...the dude has got a set of ears on him!
Posted by: CaliValleyGirl at September 15, 2008 10:57 PMI had a 4 paragraph response before I just decided to put it on my blog.
That chick is a dumbass, her parents must be so proud.
Posted by: Mare at September 15, 2008 11:03 PMThink that one is OK? ? Check out the other shots of McCain on her website.
Posted by: sarah's pinko commie friend at September 15, 2008 11:08 PMYeah the ones she photoshopped are pretty awful. And not really very well done which speaks to how much her skill level sucks.
Posted by: Mare at September 16, 2008 08:37 AMHubby showed me those pictures the other day. The magazine cover isn't so bad (though it's not as flattering as it could be), but her other ones - the ones she got in trouble for - are hurriedly done and very immature. Much of her other work is fantastic, so I don't think it's her skill level that's the problem; it's her maturity and professionalism.
I mean, seriously... if she wanted to make the bad-taste pictures for herself and to show just a few close friends (who share your politics), that's one thing. But posting them in your professional portfolio with all your other work takes a special kind of immaturity.
I hope she loses lots of business over this.
Posted by: Emily at September 16, 2008 01:33 PM'scuse me: *her* politics.
Posted by: Emily at September 16, 2008 01:34 PMMcCain looks like Popeye's dad...all he needs is a pipe clenched between his teeth
vote for Poopdeck McCain:
"Ya kin Depends on me! aak aak aak aak!