June 16, 2008


I wanted to give a shout-out to my poor in-laws too. Last December, my Christmas present was supposed to be maternity clothes and baby stuff. My poor mother-in-law had to go out at the last minute and re-shop for me after the miscarriage. And this week, she sent a big box to me for our wedding anniversary...of maternity clothes and baby stuff. She put it in the mail before we got the bad news, so she felt terrible that that's what she had sent.

At least she didn't send a dead bird!

I taught my mother-in-law to knit about the same time we started trying to have a baby, so she has been making little baby things all along. She started a blanket for Baby #1 and then stopped abruptly and put it away. When Baby #2 had a heartbeat, she pulled it back out and finished it. And mailed it to me this week. I know she probably thinks it's a burden to me, but it really is quite lovely and I'm happy to have it.

And we'll put a baby in it someday, I promise.

Posted by Sarah at June 16, 2008 05:59 PM | TrackBack

I just got home and caught up. I'm so sorry.

This past weekend, when I was talking to my MIL, it was really kind of the first time I realized that when we lost our babies, it wasn't just us it was happening to--it was felt by everyone who knew. I'm sure that your MIL would be relieved to know that you're looking at her gift in such a positive, uplifting way.

Posted by: Ann M. at June 16, 2008 10:48 PM

I cannot imagine how hard it is to lose your babies.

And I too am sure your MIL will be happy to know she did not make you sad.

Posted by: Suzi at June 17, 2008 09:42 AM