May 30, 2008


People who write at DailyKos are hilarious.

More frequently than not, military families lean conservative because, they figure, the conservatives like pouring billions of taxpayer dollars into the military industrial complex without any sense of accountability for how those dollars are spent.

Did you know that when you join the military, you have to decide whether you're conservative or liberal? Most people decide to become conservative.

Yes, I just love all the unaccountability in the Army. It's my favorite part. I love when they pump senseless dollars into stupid ideas. That's why I'm a conservative!

Thank goodness I decided to join the party that throws money down a hole. Not like those pesky Democrats, who are completely accountable for every dollar they spend.

Yay, Republicans! Now let's see if we can get the cost of the Iraq war to equal the cost of public education! Take that, liberals!


Posted by Sarah at May 30, 2008 11:29 AM | TrackBack


You're funny when your pregnant. :)

Posted by: Guard Wife at May 30, 2008 01:34 PM

Did I just seriously write 'your' when I meant "you're." Good grief. I DO need a nap.

Posted by: Guard Wife at May 30, 2008 01:35 PM

LOL! I love it. You crack me up.

Posted by: Tressa at May 30, 2008 03:37 PM