December 20, 2007


So since I'm not knitting, I'm writing about knitting. And thinking about knitting. And scouring the internet for knitting (holy cow, a Super Mario bag!) The Girl suggested that I take a nice, hot bath to rest my muscles and relax, but when I got there I remembered I hate water, and all I could think about was what I could be knitting.

It seems I'm not the only one with knitting on the brain: AirForceWife has taught herself to knit. Sweet. The husband and I are planning a trip to visit the AirForceFamily in January, so I can't wait to knit together. Hang on, AirForceWife, I'll teach you to knit socks soon!

I made a knitting joke the other day over at AWTM's place. Commenters told me that I should stop forcing my oppressive knitting agenda down AWTM's throat (I'm wildly exaggerating for humor here.) I don't care that AWTM doesn't want to knit; it was just a joke because Emma Peel was knitting. Actually, I have decided I am thrilled that people now have to pay me to learn my hobby. If they're forking over cash, they must really want to learn it. I've taught enough people in my life who didn't end up becoming Knitters™; I like to teach enthusiastic learners.

And AirForceWife seems enthusiastic. Heck, even her husband is enthusiastic about her knitting; after seven years together, I still don't think my husband quite groks my interest in the pointy sticks.

Posted by Sarah at December 20, 2007 02:25 PM | TrackBack

I'm trying to knit more, but crochet has been a bit faster, lately, at least for Christmas gifts. :)

I was surprised the other day when my husband was watching me, and announced that I should teach him how to crochet before his next deployment (!).


That would make sending care packages easier! "Need more yarn, Sweetie? Here you go!" :D

I'm still pretty stoked about that announcement. I'll have to revisit it later, to see if he was really serious. And I'll have to learn how to make socks and hats, so he has something "masculine" to work on. ;)

Posted by: deltasierra at December 20, 2007 04:08 PM

I taught my brother to crochet when we were teenagers. He in turn taught his wife right after they got married.

I'm looking forward to teaching him how to knit.

And AirForceFamily can't WAIT to have the Grok family visit. Knitting, war pictures, and tours of the DC area... Sounds like a most excellent time.

Posted by: airforcewife at December 20, 2007 05:21 PM

Oh my god. I need one of those mario bags.

Posted by: Erin at December 21, 2007 04:45 PM