I am really looking forward to feeling better because I miss knitting. I just generally feel too crappy to lift my arms. But I really really really want to knit this gun for my baby.
Posted by Sarah at November 1, 2007 01:49 PM | TrackBackAre you a contrarion or a rabble rouser?
Pregnancy has enhanced your sense of humor! You must be feeling better. It's a really clever little gun, especially those little heart bullets.
I WANT ONE.........................I want one, really bad....................just exactly like that!!
Posted by: debey at November 1, 2007 11:25 PMI have no idea why this made me spit when I read it, but I did...I think it was the simplistic
"I really really want to knit this gun for my baby"
I can hear you say it, I can...
and it is hilarious.
#1 gun knitter on google search
Posted by: awtm at November 2, 2007 10:21 PM