August 18, 2007


I've been tempted by the Dark Side.


Craft-minded readers will notice that this stack of squares is not knitting but...gulp...crochet.

A friend of mine is compiling afghans for a charity. She asked for 6x6 squares, and she goaded me into trying my hand at crocheting them. At first I hated it with a passion, starting and ripping and starting and ripping. I did more un-crocheting than crocheting. But eventually I got the hang of it and figured out how to read the patterns. I got a lot of practice in on these squares, and boy howdy does crochet use up a lot of yarn. Stash depletion for a good cause = awesome.

I picked up my knitting again last night, and it sure felt good. But I think I will venture into crochet again sometime in the future. Especially to make the Exchange Bag from the Happy Hooker book.

And this girl's octopus is turning out waaay cuter than mine. Mine, I fear, is going to look more like a real octopus than a cartoon one (i.e. ugly and scary). I have images of my infant wrapped up in it à la 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Maybe once I put a smile on him, he will seem like a friendly overbearing monster...

Posted by Sarah at August 18, 2007 10:51 AM | TrackBack

I do hope you're still planning to teach me to knit at the next spousebuzz. I'm DYING to learn. I already crochet - a LOT- but I'm really missing out on a lot of cute patterns by not knowing how to knit.

I can bring an offering.

Posted by: airforcewife at August 18, 2007 05:30 PM

Nooooo...Use the Force Luke, do not turn to the Dark Side.

Posted by: Mare at August 18, 2007 05:53 PM

YAY!!! Another crocheter! I just posted pictures of my projects...

Posted by: Green at August 19, 2007 12:52 PM

I want to learn how to knit, too. My grandmother was very crafty. She taught me how to crochet, paint, cross-stitch, etc., but I never learned how to knit.

One of my most prized possessions is an afghan that my grandmother and I made together one summer when I was sick and had to stay indoors. She died many years ago. Each time I look at our afghan, I am reminded of the many hours that I was able to spend with my grandmother as we made the afghan together, and it's a wonderful memory.

Posted by: Andi at August 20, 2007 09:53 AM