February 11, 2007


The German government charges the American armed forces for every pound of garbage that they dispose of, but they charge less for recycled materials than refuse. So, in an effort to reduce my "economic footprint" and save Uncle Sam some money, I dutifully washed plastic and cans and recycled every scrap of trash I could. I think my neighbors and friends thought that I was an Environmental Nut, but really I was just ticked that my government had to pay money to another government for my banana peels. Thus I breathed a huge sigh of relief when our plane landed back in the US so I could stop with the recycling nonsense. I haven't washed a piece of trash since.

LGF posted a Penn and Teller clip on the myths and complete bunk we've been fed for decades about the recycling movement. I highly recommend watching this show. There's a definite foul langage warning though, so maybe don't watch it while your kids toddle in and out of the room.

Now excuse me while I go put that empty Jim Beam bottle in the trash can.

Posted by Sarah at February 11, 2007 10:11 AM | TrackBack

When my boyfriend was leaving Germany, the only thing he still had in his apartment was his laptop and we watched so many episodes of Penn and Teller, including that one. My favorite part was where they made those people use like 7 trashcans, and they acted like they would totally do that all time....yeah, right.

Posted by: CaliValleyGirl at February 11, 2007 05:27 PM

We were actually forced to recycle while stationed at Ft. Irwin, CA. Housing provided one main trashcan and 3 additional-plastic, metal, and paper (non-gloss finish).

As a result, my husband still pushes for us to wash all cans and bag them separately. He then drags them to the recycle point. Of course, he is currently not home and he married a rebel. ( Nah, I'm just lazy!)

Posted by: Vonn at February 11, 2007 09:49 PM