Charlie was beside himself with excitement yesterday because the house was full of people and puppies. Guess who he got to play with? The sweetest puppy on the planet...
Tim is in town for job training, so Patti came over to hang out all day yesterday and brought their brand new puppy. Charlie had so much fun, and we had fun watching them. Charlie would pounce on the puppy and then roll over on his back and pull the puppy on top of him. Hilarious. Also, he'd steal a toy from the puppy and run away with it, and then walk back up to the puppy and let her steal the toy back from him. They were too cute. And the puppy was drenched by the end of the night because Charlie kept licking her head.
And Patti learned to knit! I love teaching people to knit, especially people who get all gung-ho about it. She was very excited and plans to crank out a baby blanket before Christmas!
It was so nice to have friends over. I've been a tad lonely here since I don't have any human contact except with my husband. Patti kept apologizing for monopolizing my afternoon, as if I were pining for my normal afternoon of Law & Order reruns. It was great to have someone to hang out with, and even better to have Tim and Patti for dinner. How fun to have your dinner guest begin the meal with "So, what do you think of Amadinejad's letter?"
I wish we were moving southwesterly instead of northeasterly, because our move will only take us further from these good friends.
Whose head will Charlie lick when we leave?
Posted by Sarah at November 30, 2006 08:08 AM | TrackBackThat Charlie is one sweet puppy!So is his little friend.
Posted by: Ruth H at November 30, 2006 02:32 PMCharlie needs a pet!
Posted by: Cindy at November 30, 2006 07:41 PMWhat a nice photo!mm-mm-m!that puppy is so cute!It is like a helpless child!
Posted by: Julya at December 5, 2006 03:25 AM