November 26, 2006


A few weeks ago I asked what was wrong with our country that women were encouraged to covet Gucci luggage and expensive suits. Today I ask again. I just saw a segment on Fox where they talked about the worst possible Christmas gifts. I watched an "expert" say that the worst thing you can buy for your spouse is something practical. An appliance, something for the house, or even a foot massage bath? All wrong. Jewelry, that's the ticket. No wonder Americans' financial priorities are all out of whack. You know what I'm getting for Christmas? A washer. And my husband's getting a dryer. No jewelry, no gadgets, not even used paperbacks. We're getting practical things because we're adults and we don't need to spend money frivolously just to prove that we're in love. I must be the most horrible wife in the world because I give my husband what he wants for holidays: a contribution to his Roth IRA. I didn't realize that I had to throw money down a hole in order to show my love for him.

Where do they come up with these people who dole out this absurd advice? No wonder everyone in this country is drowning in consumer debt.

Posted by Sarah at November 26, 2006 04:07 PM | TrackBack

Chalk my husband and I up as a couple that also gives practical gifts. We have been married 12 years and always use December (also our anniversary) to max out contributions to our 401K each year. This year for our anniversary I got him a new mattress set and be frame so he could sleep in comfort when he returns home from this deployment. Last year I got a roomba which I love, so I am hoping this year I get a scooba so it can scrub the floors for me. Much better than any diamonds!

And no debt here, kid's college accounts are fully funded, and retirement is mapped out. I guess we are pretty boring!

Posted by: Korin at November 26, 2006 06:10 PM

Oops, make that our Roth IRA, not our 401K. LOL

Posted by: Korin at November 26, 2006 10:14 PM

And why on earth would one ever listen to "so-called" experts from the media on anything. You've got your heads on straight and your priorities clear. Those giving advice are phony numbskulls who need a whack on the side of their head to get what is truly important. When people only think of the next month or so vs. 10 or 20 yrs. are too superficial to take seriously.

Posted by: toni at November 26, 2006 10:54 PM

We just had this same conversation. I have everything I ever wanted and then some. What I need is a new toaster that doesn't burn the bread on the low setting OR a new blender so I make margaritas every night! I'd also be super happy if my boys asked for more Geo Traks from Santa!

Posted by: Angie at November 27, 2006 08:01 PM

You guys aren't alone, I always ask for stock. On this years list KBR and General Electric.

Posted by: Mare at November 28, 2006 12:27 PM