November 05, 2006



We sold a few books, we signed 'em, but mostly we talked. Non-stop.

If you read his blog way back when, you know what kind of man Tim is. But all you know about Patti is that she is the Sweetest Woman on the Planet. That makes it funny to hear the sweetest woman on the planet say she wants to smack John Kerry! Patti has "rounded out" in my mind since the days of reading Tim's blog, and I just can't get enough of this couple.

My husband and I talked a lot on the way home about what kind of woman Patti is, for she said something we won't soon forget. I asked her in the bookstore how it feels to be a civilian now. And she got a bittersweet look on her face as she glanced towards the Iraq photos she'd brought to display. She's torn up inside that this War on Terror is still going on and she's no longer a part of it. It pains her to know she left the Army while something is still undone.

My husband was touched by her response. We talked about how rare it is to find someone who takes personal responsibility for the fate of our nation. Patti feels guilt that she is not fighting this war, in stark contrast to most people we know who want as little role as possible. Patti feels herself to be part of something much larger than she is, and it was refreshing to hear someone express remorse at not doing more for her country.

We talked on the way home about all the stars that had to be aligned in order for us to have this wonderful afternoon with Tim and Patti. Patti had to be adopted by an American soldier in Korea. She had to come to the US and meet Tim in the Army. We both had to be stationed in Germany, even though Germany was nowhere to be found in our top ten choices of duty stations! We both had to start blogging. And Tim and I both had to overcome cries of Jody to meet each other face to face. Life came a long way to put the four of us in the same room, and my husband, not usually one to enjoy meeting new people, said how nice it felt to sit and talk to adults. Adult is the greatest compliment my husband can bestow.

Luckily, it looks like Tim and Patti might be headed our way in a few weeks. I am anxious to spend more time with them; four hours wasn't nearly enough.

I also wanted to talk to Tim about blogging. I've been at a crossroads lately, and I wanted to talk to someone who'd walked away. He misses it. Maybe we'll get him back...

Posted by Sarah at November 5, 2006 08:53 AM | TrackBack

It's hard to believe that it's been over two years since Tim stopped blogging - I miss his posts alot. He was one of the most coherent voices out there.

I missed the news about Patti leaving the Army.. I was suprised, figured she was in for good, then again, I didn't know them well


Posted by: Bryan Strawser at November 5, 2006 09:25 AM

I too enjoyed Tim, and probably found him through you, or Mr. B5, I forget...

but they are missed.

I should have let you take my book, so Tim could sign it...

what was I thinking?

I am glad you enjoyed your day, hope the tea was hot.

Posted by: armywifetoddlermom at November 5, 2006 02:53 PM

It is so nice to read about people who take responsibility for America. I used to read Baghdaddy blog while he was deployed but he's back and is trying to get back to his normal life. Blogs are amazing -- especially when used to educate people who only hear the things that people like Kerry say.

Posted by: Nancy French at November 6, 2006 12:15 AM

I'm glad to hear that it went well and that you had a good time with Tim and Patti.

Posted by: Andi at November 6, 2006 12:42 PM

Patti shouldn't feel so guilty. We can all contribute in the ways we can. Some by fighting. Some by writing. By exercising our electoral responsibilities and by participating in debate.

Posted by: hiraethin at November 7, 2006 07:35 AM