October 21, 2006


Today rivals our 4th of July for Americanness. We voted (absentee), went to the State Fair and ate our weight in okra and deep fried Snickers, and now we're drinking beer and watching the World Series. Take that, Mellencamp: this is our country.

Posted by Sarah at October 21, 2006 08:40 PM | TrackBack

Sarah, could you possibly enumerate your grievances, with this advertisement. I have seen it and all I get from it, is at least it isn't as odious as that piece of shit Lee Greenwood tune.

Posted by: BubbaBoBobBrain at October 22, 2006 09:39 PM

Well, I wrote about it a couple of days ago (on the 16th). I agree with most of what's in the Slate article. I have no beef with the song, but I don't really understand what devastating wildfires and flooding have to do with this being "our country". The only image that really pumps me up is Shepard hitting golf balls on the moon. I think the rest of it highlights shameful moments in US history.

Posted by: Sarah at October 22, 2006 10:41 PM

Saw it again last night, and I think your missing the larger picture. The Katrina/flooding sequence is followed by american people helping their fellow americans(the raising of a frame of a new house), Rosa Parks should be an inspitation to everyone to do the right thing, same for the late Reverand King. The images of the Vietnam protests should serve as a reminder that this democraticc republic requires PARTICIPATION, and hopefully, an informed electorate. At least that is my take on it, as for the yutz writing in Slate, well now you know why I stopped reading both Slate, and Salon, though Salon is usually better written. Seems to me being waaaayyy younger than me you don't have the same frame of reference towards the images as I do.

Posted by: BubbaBoBobBrain at October 24, 2006 12:55 AM

Maybe it is an age thing, I don't know. It was said that the commercial shows the US, blemishes and all. But I don't know what that has to do with trying to sell a car. There's a time to reflect on the deep meaning of certain images in history, but I don't think a car commercial is that time. A car commercial should be rah-rah, and the target Chevy audience probably doesn't think hippies and Nixon is a good mental association for a new truck.

Posted by: Sarah at October 24, 2006 02:34 PM