June 30, 2006


I've kinda gotten away from the blogosphere. I didn't read any blogs while we were moving, and it's been hard to get back in the habit, to be honest. When you're gone for a while, I think you forget what you're missing, that is until I read The Bleat today. I missed Lileks. I had forgotten how...comforting it is to read his bleat. Sometimes I wonder what Gnat will think in fifteen years, how she'll feel about growing up in front of everyone's eyes. It's like being a child celebrity in a small circle. The Bleat is the most intimate blog out there; it's easy for us to rant about politics, but Lileks bares his soul. And gets hate mail, go figure.

Posted by Sarah at June 30, 2006 10:19 AM | TrackBack

Then you have missed the saga of teh Water Feature. Too funny. Lileks is great.

Posted by: Pamela at June 30, 2006 04:01 PM

Mine has been politics/news burnout. Been lovin' my XBox 360 though.


Posted by: Kalroy at July 1, 2006 01:40 AM

I jump there from here every day! :o)

Posted by: MargeinMI at July 1, 2006 06:25 AM