September 03, 2005


Found a set of questions via a knit blog, Zibibbo is Good. She's a knitter who reads LGF, and she'd like to make buttons that say Knitters Against Global Jihad but thinks that no one would buy them. Uh, hello? I've got three customers right here in Germany (my two best friends and I) who'd take them in a heartbeat.

10 years ago I was starting my senior year of high school. I thought I knew everything, and I thought that talking on the phone to my boyfriend was more important than calculus. That's why my husband sat down and did a calc problem cold yesterday and I stared at him blankly.

5 years ago I was starting my first year of grad school, dating my husband long distance and realizing that most people, myself included, don't know the first thing about real learning.

1 year ago I was traveling to France with my mother, breaking my vow to never return to that country.

Yesterday I watched "We Interrupt This Program" in From the Earth to the Moon with my husband, and then we had pie and talked about it. "It's just when I see a really good movie I really like to go out and get some pie and talk about it."

Posted by Sarah at September 3, 2005 09:50 AM | TrackBack

Woo another NON LLL knitter out there!
Will have those buttons up in a couple days. I've gotten an absurd number of requests for just that in the past week.

I agree with #62 on your 100 things list (: This solidified around the time of Hugh and his hooker.

Posted by: zib at September 3, 2005 02:03 PM

Was that a "True Romance" reference? A great, but vastly underrated movie. And you tied it into a post about knitting. My hat's off to you! Love your blog, keep up the good work and God bless you and your husband.
Chadd Newman
Frederick, MD

Posted by: Chadd at September 6, 2005 04:21 PM

Chadd -- I met one of my dearest friends at a gathering when someone commented that he put too much sugar in his coffee and I said, "He's not satisfied until the spoon stands straight up." He turned to me shocked, and then grinned...and we've been friends ever since.

Wonderful movie.

Posted by: Sarah at September 6, 2005 04:46 PM