March 07, 2005


Wanna know how naive I am? I had to attend a faculty meeting today, and one of the counselors was talking about how it's not uncommon for kids this age to participate in "cutting". I thought she meant hopping into the lunch line; she meant self-mutilation. What is up with kids these days?

Posted by Sarah at March 7, 2005 04:57 PM

Sarah, the cutting comment while not funny did give me a good laugh because these kids have really changed our language. I am thrilled that you are finished with sleeping in an empty bed. My prayers have been answered!!!!Jane

Posted by: Jane at March 8, 2005 12:37 AM

By my anecdotal observations of my two teens and their friends and the parents of those friends, I'd estimate that perhaps only 10% of the kids who teachers THINK are cutters, actually ARE cutters.

Posted by: david at March 8, 2005 05:57 AM

Sadly, this "cutting" fad is real. When I was in the Navy I had a junior guy brought to me by his supervisor because he didn't know what to do with him. This was a decent kid, good performer but he couldn't understand why his actions were troubling. He actually thought it could help recovery from working out.

Posted by: LargeBill at March 8, 2005 02:06 PM

There is always a weird fad for teens. Which one will change as time goes by. The faddists do it to push the edge (whatever the current edge might be). They are differentiating themselves from those kids who came before them.

As for cutting, for people like the young man mentioned above, it's a psychiatric condition. Not everyone involved in the fad has an actual "mental problem" odd as that may seem. But a few do.

Posted by: Teresa at March 8, 2005 03:40 PM

I just learned what cutting was last week, so you are not the only one out of it.

Posted by: Amy at March 8, 2005 06:02 PM