October 01, 2004


I really want to know what happened during the debates last night! Lileks gave me a good taste to start out with...

Here’s the thing. I’d really like to live in John Kerry’s world. It seems like such a rational, sensible place, where handshakes and signatures have the power to change the face of the planet. If only the terrorists lived there as well.

Hey, Blue 6. If you have time, I think you might like this one.

Posted by Sarah at October 1, 2004 08:14 AM

The debate last night was pretty much a draw. Which I see as a win for the President, he was leading going in and Kerry really didn't say anything that isn't already known. Even by the undecideds. If there is really anybody still undecided at this point I just don't know what to make of them. What are they waiting for?

Kerry really made an effort to look good for last night, his hair was darker, his complexion less orange, and his nails were manicured. I think he really believes that appearance is important. The last time there was a debate on foriegn affairs was the Kennedy/Nixon debate and the consensus is
that Nixon lost because he looked so bad. So Kerry made sure he looked good for the cameras. I do get an image of him as pres. getting his nails done while the country is falling apart or maybe I'm just a right wing wacko looking for anything to help my guy:->

Vodkapundit drunk blogged it and several others live blogged it and all of the usual suspects have an abundance of debate detail on their blogs. So you should be able to get up to speed pretty quickly. Someone is even linking a transcript of the debate, it might be LGF, but it will probably make your head explode if you try to read it.

BTW, do the right thing with the extra ballot. I'd rather lose than win crooked. Character is what you do when nobody is looking:-)

God bless you and yours.

Posted by: Pamela at October 1, 2004 07:38 PM