August 28, 2004


Revelation: teaching something that's second nature is very hard.

This weekend I'm teaching a seminar called Grammar Review. Grammar is no big problem for me. I hardly ever have to stop to think about the rules. I generally can identify compound-complex sentences, comma splices, and subordinating conjunctions with ease, so that makes it really hard to teach it to someone who struggles. In planning for my class today, I allotted like 30 minutes for things that took us over an hour to actually accomplish because I completely misjudged how much time it would take people to catch on. And I think they all hate me and that the final exam I wrote is going to kick their butts. Whoops. Trial and error, I guess; it's the first time I've taught this class.

They're getting it, slowly, but we need eight weeks instead of two days.

Posted by Sarah at August 28, 2004 05:57 PM

They must have not had the Shurley method but I'm not sure that we had it at Lindbergh when you were there. I'm sending some more ribbons with your mom. One especially just for you. Jane

Posted by: Jane at August 29, 2004 02:49 AM

Guess I should have previewed that last message because I see a grammar mistake. Jane

Posted by: Jane at August 29, 2004 02:51 AM

I for one "skipped" over English in high school and college. Looking back now, I certainly should have listened more closely. Now, I struggle daily with what is for most, simplistic. I will be sure to pay close attention to my children to ensure that they are digesting and learning what is needed.

Posted by: StarkTruth at August 30, 2004 06:57 AM