August 06, 2004


My belief system affects everything I do in my life. My values shine through in every conversation and circumstance, and I think it's very important for people to have shared values, "common ground" as I normally call it. If I don't share basic assumptions and values with someone, we can still be friends, but in the back of my mind I'll always know that all of our ground isn't quite common. I'm not a person who can easily set my beliefs aside and become close friends with someone I fundamentally disagree with.

That said, when someone needs my help or reaches out for emotional support, all of that goes out the window. No matter my feelings towards the person, if he is suffering or upset then I will do what I can to try to make him feel better. Even if I did have I-told-you-sos echoing in my head, I wouldn't bring them up in his time of need. There's a time and a place for everything.

There's a time and a place for political debate and arguing, and there are times when it's 100% inappropriate. When Daily Kos said "Screw 'em" when the contractors were killed in Fallujah, that was unequivocally inappropriate. When that crazy DU lady said "I hope the bloodshed continues in Iraq", that was clearly inappropriate. And when dc used my friend's injuries as a springboard for talking about "deceit" and "lies", that was wholly inappropriate as well.

You see, our friend LT A wants to be in the military more than anything, so much so that the other OBC guys sometimes worried he was a little too hooah. LT A's father went through unspeakable horrors in Vietnam and stayed in the Army to retire as an LTC, and all LT A wanted to do was follow in his father's honorable footsteps. He never questioned his role in this war, even when two of his soldiers died in his arms the first week they were in Iraq. I imagine he would be mighty pissed off to hear someone tell him that he is "trapped in a lie".

Last night dc should have put partisan bickering aside for five minutes and let me worry in peace. A simple "I hope your friend is OK" would have been fitting, as would reverent silence have been. Instead, in the moment when I most needed someone to hold my hand, dc chose to give me an indian burn instead.

I don't know how to ban someone, but you're no longer welcome here, dc. I have tolerated your dissenting views for a long time now, but you stepped over the line last night. I am a person, dc, not just pixels on a computer, and you've disrespected my feelings. It's not politics when I talk about my injured friend; it's emotional and personal. Please don't comment anymore.

LT A is stable, and they should be moving him to Germany any time now. His wife will be on her way as soon as she gets the go-ahead, and I will meet them at Landstuhl early Saturday morning. I'm anxious to give her a big hug, as well as a gentle little one for LT A.

Thank you to all who are thinking of him...


Seems now they're sending him right on to Walter Reed. More info when I know it.


I did some detective work and called Landstuhl hospital. I got to leave a message for LT A with the ICU desk, so hopefully they can pass it on to him before they move him back to the States...

Posted by Sarah at August 6, 2004 09:22 AM

I'm very sorry to hear about your friend. Please keep us updated about his condition.

Posted by: NightHawk at August 6, 2004 03:15 PM

Sarah, since you're on MuNu - if you ever get a comment that you would like to ban the commenter, all you have to do is go to the email of the comment and click on the mt-blacklist link down at the bottom. It will automatically be added to your blacklist and there won't be a problem with that commenter again.

I'm glad to hear your friend has been stablized, I'll continue to pray for his recovery.

Posted by: Teresa at August 6, 2004 04:07 PM

I'm sure that LT A will be fine. Take my word for it, Tankers are indestructible! Meanwhile, he will be in all our prayers.

Posted by: Tanker Schreiber at August 6, 2004 04:23 PM

I'm not sure how you ban someone on the comments, but considering this is your own domain, you can use a .htaccess file and ban his IP at the server level. You can do a search on google to find out how to do it. Or, email me and I'll send you a copy of the file and what to put in it with instructions.

I'm very sorry for your friend. You have my prayers and so does your husband and friend.

Posted by: shannon at August 6, 2004 05:40 PM

My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Here's to a speedy recovery!

Posted by: Beth at August 6, 2004 07:53 PM

I'm glad to hear your friend is stable and will continue praying for him, his family and friends.

I'm sick over the commentor. I don't understand people. Frankly you get high, high marks for patience in dealing with him.

Posted by: Tammi at August 7, 2004 10:35 PM