July 17, 2004


Bunker wrote about recycling the other day, and I was reminded of his post this morning when I saw a news clip on the Pentagon Channel here about a recycling program at Ft Knox (no hit on google though). Apparently they're tearing down some old housing, and they've decided to recycle what they can. People in the area are encouraged to come take cabinets, doors, wood, etc while the buildings are still standing. One man interviewed said that he was using the wood to start a new business -- a campsite for kids -- and that he's saved $35,000 so far in supplies from being able to take wood from the recycled buildings. Ft Knox also has saved over $100,000 in not having to pay to dump the materials. Now THAT is a recycling program I completely support, one that pumps money back into the community.

This morning the AFN News channel was on and on about Martha Stewart. I switched over to the Pentagon Channel and caught their news broadcast instead. Top stories: the tale of a group of MPs in Iraq who are transferring duties over to the Iraqi police, the birthday of the Army Rangers, and the recycling program at Ft Knox. Much more interesting, in my opinion, than Martha Stewart.

Posted by Sarah at July 17, 2004 08:20 AM

Reusing is far more effective than recycling.

Posted by: Mike at July 17, 2004 09:21 PM

The recycling program at Ft. Knox is a great idea but not an ideal situation in which to live. The way families in these areas are left to live in very close proximity with half torn buildings for an extended period of time is very dangerous for children. Broken glass inside and out, missing doors and windows, stair wells ripped out, and chunks of sheetrock laying about in an open building sometimes just a couple feet from your front yard where children play is a hassle. If I wasn't stressing about my own little ones wandering off into the building next to me while I ran to pee, I was running off older unattended children playing around and in them. I felt like I could never relax for one second. I even had people coming to collect doors drive their truck through my front yard where my 2 and 3 yr old daughters were playing....looking at us like WE were in THEIR way. This program on Ft. Knox is a terrific idea, but one that needs a little more tweaking I think ;)

Posted by: JJ at July 18, 2004 05:28 AM