I charged home from work at 2130 tonight and soaked up as much beer, Chex mix, and South Park as was possible in 30 minutes. And then I got hit with Greyhawk's guilthammer.
My dad's worked in air conditioning for his entire adult life, so it only seemed natural that I should donate to Operation AC. Especially after reading "I would like to continue but we operate on donations and people just are sick of hearing about the war and have essentially stopped donating all together."
Well, that was enough to make me give up a couple of DVDs. Maybe you could too? At the very least, you should go over to Mudville Gazette and leave some morale-boosting words for our brave servicemembers. I plan to wait until this comments section gets sufficiently big (read more than 8!!!) and then print it and send a copy to all of my husband's soldiers.
Get 'er done, readers.
Posted by Sarah at March 29, 2004 09:11 PMI feel your pain, troops. Sorry we can't send an AC, we don't have one ourselves. 6 months out of year we don't need it, the rest of the year we got the woodburner going! Having operated in tropics and desert climes I can only restate my training and experience, going from heat to AC is "BAD", both physically and mentally. Heat aclimatization is an ongoing process, those operating outside doing manual labor or patroling on foot should limit exposure to changes in temps. that are more than 30 degrees from baseline temp.. I know this is a major bummer for lots of y'all, but that is the grunts lot in life, you don't have to like it, just do it. Well, sorry to have to be Cpt.BuzzKill, but it just needed saying. I will now go smear myself with ashes and beg forgiveness from our honored ancestors,,,,,naaww I'll just drink some beer and eat some pork and think happy thoughts of our troops safe return. Rangers lead the way.
Posted by: 2Hotel9 at March 30, 2004 01:28 AMCommenting on what 2hotel9 said. I total agree. I've been a grunt for 8 years now and a Ranger for most of that. I've traveled the entire world three times. One good piece of advice that I can give all the younger soldiers here in Iraq with me is, I'm going home in a week, and I'll drink a couple of beers for you. Shoot first, ask questions later. Rangers Lead The Way!!!!!
Posted by: birdie at March 30, 2004 07:00 PMSarah, I think you had a good idea here, but it got lost in the jumble...maybe try again?
Posted by: Carla at April 4, 2004 08:26 AM