March 05, 2004


The worst part of this deployment is that we saw it coming for so long. We knew in July that they'd be leaving, and it was just a matter of waiting for the day. So when my husband and I were talking the week before he left, I told him my biggest fear: it's not that something will happen to him; it's that we'll survive these 14 months and he'll come home to me, and 12 months later we'll have to do it all over again. Half of the Army was in Iraq last year; the other half is there now. Who do you think is going next year? 3ID is, the same folks who were there when it all started. That means the Big Red One's slated for the next go-round. That's what causes a sinking feeling in my stomach: he's only been gone for three weeks and I already see the second deployment on the horizon.

(This depressing thought brought to you by Tim, though it's certainly not his fault. His stuff's mostly good today; I laughed out loud at the Gangs of New York and swinging a cat.)

Posted by Sarah at March 5, 2004 04:07 PM

First of all let me tell you what I've been doing over the past two years. Nine months in Afghanistan, home for four, and now in Iraq until at least May. Then we are supposed to either come back to Iraq or go back to Afghanistan around the December/January time frame. That's the life of an Airborne Ranger I guess.

Posted by: Birdie at March 6, 2004 02:13 AM

Hugs, I know what you're going through - although it's my son and not my husband. My son who serves with the 1/7 Marines came back from Iraq last October and will be returning for Round 2 this September. His wife is treasuring every minute while he's still here. As am I. But, I am so proud of my son and your husband and every other soldier and Marine who protects and serves. It's not a small thing.

Posted by: Deb Conrad at March 7, 2004 08:01 AM